Kevin spacey im gay meme

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I have this friend who works at this nightclub in London and Spacey is a frequent customer, with quite a reputation, not because of his hitting on guys but because of his hitting on girls. What say you, readers? Gay Gossip Kevin Spacey News Queerty The waiter wasn’t interested in selling his story or taking any hush money and has kept a dignified silence ever since. Not liking this suggestion, the straight but rather worse for wear waiter, punched the star in the face.Īfterwards, Spacey’s lawyers suggested rather strongly to him that he might want to keep the story to himself.

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Spacey made a suggestion to the waiter about what they could do next. While walking back to Spacey’s apartment near the Old Vic to continue their drinking session, they passed through a nearby park. He handed him a 20 pound note tip with his phone number on, and the star-struck waiter agreed to meet him later.

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Spacey had taken a shine to a waiter where he was dining. Remember in 2004 when Kevin Spacey got “brutally mugged” while walking his dog at 430am? And then how Spacey revealed he hadn’t been mugged but “fell for a con”, where a kid stole his mobile phone and Spacey, running after him tripped over his dog? Via those British gossips over at Pop Bitch:

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